I took a trip back to Louisiana this weekend and made a quick run down to "the farm" on Saturday. 75 and sunny with my hound dog, a couple High Life's, and a little protection in case the gators took a lunge at Gus. Seriously, they're everywhere this time of year. Maybe not the safest combination on Earth, but it's more fun that way right?
Splitting time between Austin and LA, Greg Miller creates "bold contemporary images and popular themes intermingled with text that are presented in billboard-like simplicity, offering a varied and often surprising look at the timelessness of American historical and cultural events." I just discovered him yesterday and want a piece now.
Here we go again. I've posted on Roman and Williams work for The Ace Hotel three times and am about to do so again, but this one features their Montauk beach house along with a few more shots of their offices and 4th St. loft. In my book, THERE IS NO ONE ANY BETTER AT WHAT THEY DO. They blow my mind.