Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Round Top Scores

So this week is the big antique show down in Warrenton / Round Top, Texas. If you've never been, do yourself the favor and check it out. I picked up some good stuff today that'll be available at Uncommon Objects soon. I'm a fan of old apothecary items and found about 40 little bottles today. It's crazy what people used to ingest in hopes of curing their ailments. I guess the same could be said for today's drugs, but now that they're called things like Aleve and Claritin instead of Zinc Nitrate and P. Serpent.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Around the Corner

One of my favorite homefront's ever - right around the corner from me in Austin. Designed by Bercy Chen Studios:

Kind of Blue

Fifty years ago, Miles Davis and his band changed history.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wesley Burt

I don't know a thing about the man, but I'm loving his art:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Bryan Schutmaat was born in 1983, started snapping photos in 2003, received a BA in History from the University of Houston in 2009, and now teaches tenth grade world history somewhere in this massive state of Texas. Nice shots Mr. Schutmaat:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Secret Service LA

A Time To Get really nailed it last night with their post on Secret Service LA, a downtown Los Angeles emporium of items right up my alley. Great sign painting on the glass storefront, a Honda Superhawk out front, industrial display pieces, old photos and books, simple American clothing. It's perfect. Like my friend Chris Hooks wrote me this morning, "Seriously, it's kind of like they downloaded your brain into a store. Weird." A trip to LA is in order:

p.s. - these photos were taken with an iPhone. amazing.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Scan Sandwich

This is great. I'm a sandwich lover of the first degree, so it's cool to see someone take sandwich photography to the next level and start scanning images of their favorite eats. Man I miss M & O Grocery and Cafe Habana in New York. Thanks to Mr. Jon Chonko for these images.

My Hometown

I wish I could've known her in the glory days. Thanks for the pics MJ:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Elvis

Elvis Perkins, son of Anthony Perkins. Headed to see him right now. Perfect weather in Austin for SXSW. I may be off the grid for a while.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Line Drawings

I just finished drawing and installing about 200 crude line drawings for the new window backdrop at Bows and Arrows here in Austin. At first I just drew stuff I found around my house but eventually ran out ideas and had to go searching. I found some cool stuff at Third Drawer Down and on Emanuel Polanco's site:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bare Boned

Designed and built by Marco Casagrande In the Datun mountains of North Taiwan:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Henrique Oliveira

Scrapwood art from the streets of Sau Paulo, Brazil:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Emanuel Polanco

Lauren Thumlert from Bows + Arrows turned me onto Mr. Polanco today. Some great looking collages: