Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Fine art photography sites can be hit or miss, and the same can be said for Viewville, but these pics from Bootsy Holler, Laura Kicey, and Mary Burger caught my eye:


  1. Dang. Those are mighty nice- esp. the pink and blue closets. Obviously my favorite, though the yellow wall and white frames are great too. And Bootsy Holler! My lord, that's the best name I've ever heard of.
    Happy New Year- we're headed out to Lone Grove tomorrow.. What will Don be doing?

  2. Don will be popping sinus infection pills and galavanting about town. Nothing special. If friends weren't in town, I might join y'all in Llano. Sounds nice. Maybe next year.

  3. Thanks for the post about Viewville! Love it. If your readers are interested, we have a 10% coupon with code "JAN-10-OFF" they can use during checkout. And we'd love feedback about any "misses" we might have. Send 'em over. Happy new year!

  4. jeremy, thx for the post. hopefully some of my readers will check your comment and possibly buy a pic or two. the "misses" are just a personal taste thing. i think you can tell from the pictures i posted that i like things a little on the rougher side as opposed to the super clean refined side. great site though. again, thx for posting.

  5. Your blog is one of my faves. You have an amazing eye.


  6. thx jp. i really appreciate the support.
