Tuesday, August 26, 2008

From The Road

So I had a post all loaded up in advance and ready to push out last Friday from San Fran, but my rookie blogger status got the best of me when I accidentally deleted the whole damn thing before posting it. It was a big spiel on Chuck Prophet - one of San Fran's finest musicians - but I'm not gonna write it all again right now and will instead post some pics from the road. In the past few days, I've done about 900 miles on Hwy 101, jumped in the Pacific Ocean at San Louis Obispo, eaten a truck load of wholesome diner food, seen Radiohead, Andrew Bird, Wilco, Kelly Stoltz, etc., seen good friends and former Austinites who now live on Telegraph Hill, and enjoyed any other number of good times. More to come once I get back to Austin. A few pics below:

On the Beach in San Louis Obispo, CA

At Margie's Diner in Paso Robles, CA

Grafitti in a bathroom in The Haight, SF

1 comment:

  1. a little green with envy over here - great music
    sounds like a great birthday overall
